Storage techniques


  Seasonal clothes need to organize the storage, thin sheets have to clean up the clean up, all kinds of cooling supplies to hide next year and then ... ... this time to accept the skills to show a big skill.

  1, the first sub-categories: need, do not need, uncertain.

  2, the "need" attribute of the sub-categories: in accordance with the usage, the use of purpose, shape, etc. to distinguish. Because it is "need" thing, so be sure to think carefully, set out for their own habits and personality to define the principle of sub-categories. We recommend thing which is commemorative and very precious thing about "thing" attribute.

  3, clear what is the season "need" things, not the special needs of this season how to protect. Such as to be compressed, or put on a dust bag hanging, or use a protective cover placed, or directly into the storage box.

  4, the "uncertainty" attribute of the things, according to the season classification. We choose appropriate protection and storage measures for thing that does not belong to season.

  5, according to the living environment of the available storage space to determine the final presentation of the focus of the way: space division, pick and place convenient, at a glance and so on. Will be the season "need" and "uncertain" items are placed in their favorite a wardrobe or cabinet, and even a wardrobe in a region. For commemorative special items, it is recommended that it be included in other areas together with non-seasonal items.
